What I do
I am a Sport Ireland Institute Accredited Sport and Exercise Psychologist and Performance MT is a performance consultancy company, working with athletes, businesses and individuals to improve mental skills, while increasing performance and creating better well-being. My ethos is to help good people become better.
Tá an comhlacht ábalta gach gnó a dhéanamh trí Ghaeilge, idir sárfheighmíocht, cabhair siceolaíoch do luthchleasaithe agus foirne, chomh maith le seirbhísí do chomhlachtaí agus scoileanna. Eagraíonn mé cúrsaí agus ceardlanna do chomhlachtaí agus do dhaoine atá ag obair astu féin, ag múineadh scileannna a bhaineann le spreagadh, bealaí chun bainistiú a dhéanamh ar imní, chomh maith le neart eile. Déan téagmháil liom chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil.
Performance coaching
I personalise all performance interventions to ensure they are unique to each client and completely geared toward your specific needs. Services include individual performance enhancement, team/group performance, coaching, resilience training, injury rehabilitation, workshops, media training, education, corporate services and much more.
Media training
I’m a professional broadcaster and media consultant with experience in print, television, radio and digital content. I train professionals in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and can equip individuals for public relations assignments and media interviews. An award-winning journalist, I have worked with RTÉ, TG4, Eir, Sky Sports and Off The Ball on Newstalk and I also write for various publications. I’m a trained video journalist and editor, and have lectured communications students in Dublin City University.
Beyond sport
I offer personal and executive coaching, anxiety and stress management, motivation, team building, leadership, workplace well-being strategies, confidence methods and lifestyle management.
What I do
After more than ten years of working bilingually in radio and television for RTÉ and TG4, I returned to study psychology further, focusing on sport, exercise and performance psychology.
I have worked for a long time in a competitive and challenging industry and understand more than most how little changes can make a big impact.
My experience as a media professional coupled with my skills in the field of sport and performance psychology mean I recognise the need for constant improvement in a fast-paced and demanding world.
Get in touch
Feel free to reach out to me anytime if you would like to know more about my work