Posts tagged performance psychology
Finding a Sport Psychologist
Maire Ni cheallaighsport psychology, sport, kids in sport, health, mental health, mental skills, performance, performance psychology, qualified, wellbeing, psychology, ireland, elite, athlete, team, irish, mind, mindset
How David topples Goliath
Maire Ni cheallaighperformance psychology, psychology, sport psychology, sport, david and goliath, winning, positive mindset, mindset, res, pressure, opportunity
The New Year New You Scam
Maire Ni cheallaighperformance consultancy, performance psychology, new start, new year new you, new years resolutions, wellbeing, wellness, change, diet, goal setting, habits
Getting into med school
The Gender Play Gap
Maire Ni cheallaighperformance psychology, performance consultancy, public health, health, mental health, wellbeing, gender, women, psycho, sport psychology, fitness, children, participation
Mindful about mindfulness
Get the referee onside
In defence of referees
There's no place like home